30 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

Öz içindəki Allah sevgisini kəşf etmə..

Adicə bir hekayə...Məna dolu..Bir insanın içindəki Allah sevgisini kəşf etmısini gözlər önünə gətirn hekayə..Düşünmyə vadar edən..

At the end of 2010 I got sick. I was tired of everything. I didn’t like my work anymore. I didn’t like my life. I was not happy even though I had everything. I also felt very guilty. I didn’t like myself anymore. My whole life, I had believed in God.I did everything to satisfy Him. Nevertheless, it was more important for me to satisfy everyone around me: my boss, my husband, my children, my parents, my friends…. everyone. And for me, it was never enough. I was so tired of that because it is impossible to satisfy everyone. And it was not possible to really be myself. I ended up in a “burn-out,” a situation of having no energy for anything. I needed to think about who I really was. What do I want and who am I? And who is God for me really? And even more, who is God actually and how does He look at me? I was depressed. I started to talk about this with other Christians. And I began to read the Bible more. I wanted to find God again. I tried everything, also listening to Christian speakers. Once, at a meeting, a speaker said that God loves me “unconditionally.”

He loves me for who I am and not for what I do.

That was such a relief. Before that time, I knew this with my head, but never believed it in my heart. And at that moment, something happened. Tears came to my eyes. Normally, I am not someone who cries easily. Suddenly, I understood. God loves me. I had to stop believing the lies I was telling myself. Lies like: “I am not good enough,” “my opinions about things are not important,” “I am worthless.”
All of a sudden, I understood that those negative thoughts were not coming from God. God says (everywhere in the Bible) that I am good enough, that my opinion does matter and that I am worthy in God’s eyes.At that moment, I felt God came into my heart. I felt like a butterfly escaping from a cocoon. And now, when God looks at me, He first sees Jesus, who is in me. So He doesn’t see a sinner, He sees His own child. This explanation made a big difference in my life. Why should I work to earn God’s love when He doesn’t ask me to do that? I thought I knew how God thought. But I was wrong. God is my loving Father, loving me just as I am. He created me! I don’t know why you are here, but I do know that God loves you. Not because of what you have done, but because of who you are in Jesus. In Jesus, you are His beloved son or daughter.God loves you as his own Son.

27 Mayıs 2014 Salı


Africa Famine and Poverty

Wonder who and where she is......What has happened in and to her in her life...

Famine amidst greed. Stark contrast.

26 Mayıs 2014 Pazartesi

Sakit anların müjdəçisi Chet Baker

Çoooooooox xoşbəxtəm..Həyatda cazz musiqisi olduğu üçün və ən əsası Chet Baker kimi vokalist olduğu üçün..Mənim onu dinləmə imkanım olduğu üçün...Bu necə bir musiqidir ki, məni ruha, yeni bir ruha bürüyür..Sarıldığım yeni ruh içimi təravətləndirir..Dünyadan qopuram sanki...Jazz...Səndən gözəl musiqi tərzi ola bilməz bu dünyada..Tam əminliklə deyirəm..
Sakitlik...Sən....Ruhun..Düşüncələrin..Sakit otağın və Chet Baker.....Xoşbəxtlik dilimi...O dilimdən pay aldığım ləzzət,həyat eşqim..Mənə bəsdir bu həyatda yaşamağım üçün..Burnumun ucunda olanlardan ala bilmədiyim sevinci torpağın altnda mənə yad olan birilərinin yaratdıqlarından alıram...Bu necə də möcüzəli bir şeydir..

American jazz trumpeter and vocalist.
Chet Baker - Tenderly
Chet Baker - Summertime
Chet Baker - Almost blue

Chet Baker - I fall in love too easily
I fall in love too easily
I fall in love too fast
I fall in love too? terribly hard
For love to ever last
My heart should be well schooled
Cause Ive been fooled in the past
But still I fall in love so easily
I fall in love too fast
My heart should be well schooled
Cause Ive been fooled in the past
But still I fall in love so easily
I fall in love too fast...
well..the truth is the truth hurts...dont u agree

Music is my hobbi and life....

Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Almost everybody has some kind of hobby. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something - coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.

As for me, I like to listen to music.
What is music? Music is the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (sometimes both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. As a teenager, I listen to music everyday.Music is pure magic. It is a wonderful gift to humanity.
My hobbies are listening to music . I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on discbooklets. I try to find everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. I am very fond of music. When I am free, I often listen to my favorite songs from an old cassette recorder. At weekends, I usually go to music shops in the downtown areas to buy good CDs. Of the famous pop singers, I prefer Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Madona and Paul MC Cartney. I can name almost name every song that comes on the radio. Listening to music takes the stress away from my mind. I love listening to music. Listening to music is my new hobby. I cannot go a day without listening to music. Music comes in different genres. I listen to many genres. The genre I listen to the most is R&B. I listen to R&B because it relates to my life. R&B is one of the tops ten genres listened to. Music to me is like a reading teacher reading a book. Music is just that good. The R&B singers I listen to are Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, Monica, K Michelle, and Usher. I listening to more than that but I do not want to waste my time writing all of the names. I wake up listening to music. Music is my passion. While I am writing this, I am listening to music. I cannot help myself. Some people are addicted to drugs and alcohol but my addiction is music. Music has many different meaning to it. In order for me to understand a song, I have to listen to the song over and over again. If someone gave me a pop quiz on music, I would most likely pass the pop quiz. I am not the type that does not have a life. I have a life, but in the meantime I listen to music when I am bored. I might listen to a great amount of music but I do not know how to do have of the dances that go along with them. Again, music is my passion and addiction. One more thought, I cannot sing. I just love listening to music.
I also spend an hour after dinner watching news and documentary programmes. I particularly enjoy the program "The World Here and There" because it broadens my knowledge of nature and human civilizations.I think that my hobbies are very useful. They widen my knowledge, relax my mind, and make me feel better about myself.

24 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

Menswear on Women

I love menswear!

"I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants." ~Whitney Houston
I love playing with gender roles in fashion. This is awesome...
Women in menswear always sharp!
Love this menswear on women...
Women in suit..Very sharp!!.
Desperately seeking good menswear for women. How come I can't find this suit?
Love the menswear for ladies..
Menswear on women is so chic to me..
"Vogue" I love the look of women in suits. I can't pull off this look myself...
White suite...Excellent..
white pants suit..
Model Natalia Vodianova wearing suit ..
Irina Shayk for Madeleine 2013 

23 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

Nina Smone

Nina Simone (1933-2003) was an American singer, songwriter, pianist...One of the purest jazz singers of her age. There is nothing not to love about this artist.Nina Simone- Independent Woman

Blue Mosque ( in Istanbul )

cBlue Mosque or the Sultanahmet imperial Mosque in Istanbul is the largest mosque in Istanbul and Turkeys national mosque..
The Bule Moqsue in Istanbul was built between 1609 and 1616, during the rign of Sultan Ahmet I , by archited Mehmet aga, formed at the svhool of the architect Sinan, the most famous architect of Turkey..
Ahmet I decided to build the construction because he wanted Istanbul to have a mosque that could bear his name ..
Blue Mosque is also of the most famous monuments of Turkish Islamic art...


22 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe


The Little Dancer by Edgar Degas, Musee D'Orsay, Paris. The St. Louis Art Museum...
Book sculpture

Book face
"Vroom Vroom" sculpture by Lorenzo Quinn, installed on Park Lane, London
African tree art Look at its amazing height
The kiss of an angel- What kind of devil am I?”..."You are not a devil, you’re an angel. My angel..

19 Mayıs 2014 Pazartesi

Əzab çəkmək..

Səni gözləməyin özü də bir xoşbəxtlikdir bəlkə..Olmamazlığın özü də bir işarətdir bəlkə..Tənhalıq məndən soruşandakı ayrılıq vaxtı nə vaxtdır..Susuram..Əgər tapmağa cavabım varsa deməli mən heç tənhalığı sevməmişəmmiş..Düşüncəmdə yaşatdığım birisi var..Ki, onun kimliyi, adı,soyadı və hətta bir cismi belə yoxdur..Sadəcə fikirləri var..Mənlə bölüşdüyü fikirləri..Bur ruh tək gözlərim önünə gəldiyində, mənlə danışdığında...
  Heç kimə güvənməməyi öyrənmişəm bu həyatdan..Qorxuram..Bəzən içimdəki bəsirət gözüm mənə bədbəxt olacağımı deyir...
Bədbəxtlik özü də bir xoşbəxtlikdir..Həyatı anlamağın xoşbəxtliyi..Monoton həyat tərzi insana heç nə öyrətmir..Varlı olmaq, yağ-bal içində üzmək insana heç nə öyrətmir..Öyərətmir...İnan öyrətir..
Önəm belə vermədiyim 10 qəpik..İki gün bundan qabaq yol pulu tapmayanda o 10 qəpiyə mən necə əhəmiyyət verdim..Digər bir 10 qəpik axtardım ki, 20 qəpik edib nəqliyyat vasitəsinə minim..Yoxluq insana çox şeyi öyrədir..Əzab çəkmək insana çox şey öyrədir...Sən acını duymalı, yaşamalısan ki, hiss edəsən..Sən Somalidəki hansısa ac uşağa baxıb da "ayy, yazıq" deyə bilərsən..Amma onun aclığını hiss edə bilmərsən..Bir az ac olan kimi cumuarsan soyuducuya...Ac qala bilirmi insan övladı 2cə saat da olsa..Qarnımn belimə yapıştığını hiss etdiyim gün olub mənim aclıqdan..Bu o anlama gəlmir ki, yemək filan tapmamışam..Özüm yeməmişəm..Əzab çəkmək, hiss etmək istəmişəm..Aclığı, acını..Qoy mən də kimlərisə yaşadığı acını hiss edim..Yalandan üzücü sözlər deməkdənsə yaşayım..Ən böyük dərs budur...Dahi yazıçı Dostoyevski boşu-boşuna deməyib ki, "Vicdan əzabla təmizlənir"...Əzabla!!!!!!!!
Bəzən əzab çəkmək istəmişəm..Hətta döyülmək də, söyülmək də..Həyatı anlamaq üçün..Orta təbəqə, və yüksək təbəqə əhalisi, insanı...Onlar bilməz bu kimi şeyləri...Onlar anlamazlar həyatı...
Hə bir də insan acıyla üzləşəndə həyatı dərk edər..Bəlkə də həyatda elə varlı insan var ki, itirdiyi kiməsə görə dünya əzabını çəkərək həyatı anlayıb..İstisini-soyuğunu da..
Əzab çəkmək gözəldir..Və ən gözəl tərbiyə üsuludur deyərdim ki..Döymək, çırpmaq yox..
Bəs niyə bizləri küncdə saxlayardı böyüklərimiz..Ayalarımız yoluraq əzab çəkməyimiz üçün...
                                    Микаэл Таривердиев - Двое в кафе sədaları altında..

Praqanın bombalanması..Bombing of Prague

Müharibə...Cəhalətin pik nöqtəsi müharibə..Dünyanı pis hala, yaşanmamazlığa gətirib çıxaran müharibə...Hər bir pis şeyin başlanğıc nöqtəsidir müharibə..Körpə məsumiyyətinin  gözlər önündə yox edilməsi, hər şeyin ölüml , darmadağınıqla əvəzlənməsi...
Praqa..Müharibənin girdabındakı illərindən...

"I know what will happen in the future. It’s been like that since I was little, it’s a gift. I saved many people because of it, I always knew what to do.“ When did you realize it for the first time? „As a child. Americans were bombarding Prague during the war and I dragged my mom, sister and brother into a pantry. I strongly felt: ‚Go there!’. All the apartment was smashed up, the bomb had fallen down two houses next to ours. My friends were killed, but we saved ourselves."

Bombing of Prague..

No one could understand - why the Americans decided to strike at the Prague? What for?
Czech nurses assisting a wounded insurgent in Prague’s Old Town Hall.
A little Czech girl from Prague plays with the captain of a tank unit after the liberation of the city.
Little girl playing with guns left on streets of Berlin after war in 1945

İnsanlığa sığmayan vəhşiliklər..Bu fotoşəkillərdə tarixə iz qoymuş vəhşəti gördükcə anlayıram..anlayıram insan xislətində yuva salmış vəhşiliyin həddini-hüdudunu.."Düşmən" deyilən kəlimə niyə varki sanki??
Humanist mövqeyimdən yanaşaraq deyirəm ki, mənim bu dünyada düşmənim ola bilər amma ümumilikdə "düşmənlərim" deyəcəyim toplumun olmasını istəmirəm..Düşmənlərim...mənim nəslimi, yerlilərimi öldürənlər ucbatından mən indiki vaxtda ortalıqda "düşmənlərim var" deyə gəzinə bilmərəm..Mən sülh istəyirm..Mən istəmirəm ya azərbaycanlı olsun, ya erməni, ya qeyrisi VƏTƏN şüarı altında kimisə öldürsün...Mən vətənimi humanist mövqeyimlə birgə təmsil etmək, qorumaq istərəm..Öldürmək, yıxmaq, parçalamaqla yox..Sivil insanların günahsız yerə öldürülməsi yolu ilə yox...Düşünək...Qundaqdakı yaşsız körpəni..Onudamı düşmən damğası vuraraq öldürək??

Həmin illərdən bəhs edən kitab...

The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman. Two young lovers in pre-war Prague are torn apart by the Nazi invasion only to meet up again decades later in New York City for another chance at romance
"If you support this war, send your own children.".
Əgər, siz bu müharibəni dəstəkləyirsinizə o zaman öz uşaqlarını göndərin( müharibəyə)....

War will not bring Peace.....
War is not a solution to our problems... We need to stop the Wars, stop the Bombing, stop the Killing, stop the Hate.

17 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi


Italy’s great food, beautiful countryside, fabulous wine, and long history make it an excellent country to visit. No life is complete without a trip to Italy. . I love the vineyards in Florence, the ancient streets in Rome,the gorgeous Cinque Terre, and romantic VeniceI want to go here one day.I think I have the soul of Italy with me. I so adore the food and culture. I will eat pasta made in Italy, by passionate Italian chefs.Italian Culture... Everything to know about Italy.. Climate, geography, style, food, values, manors, villages, food, wine, and much more..I want to go here one day.I think I have the soul of Italy with me. I so adore the food and culture. I will eat pasta made in Italy, by passionate Italian chefs.Italian Culture... Everything to know about Italy.. Climate, geography, style, food, values, manors, villages, food, wine, and much more..

Amazing and so eerie. I absolutely loved visiting Pompeii when I was in Italy. I visited last summer, it was absolutely amazing! Did not see enough of Pompeii Italy when I was there so I would love to go back.The city of Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples in the Italian region of Campania, in the territory of the comune of Pompei. Venice.. One of my favorite destinations. And Gaiola Bridge, Naples, Italy. Absolutely amazing.
Portofino, Italy - 101 Most Beautiful Places You Must Visit Before You Die!
Roma - Rome! Another city I wish to visit. One because I have a fascination with ancient history and Rome as an empire. And two to see the whole Italian Culture in all its glory. Life in Italy... I want to be able to visit family and make sure my children have an understanding of italian culture, a beautiful way to live...